
Monday, January 22, 2007

The Delta of Venus by Anais Nin

After reading this book, I officially rescind a previous statement I have made that erotica is usually a bit boring owing to lack of character development. Anais Nin proved me wrong. This past Saturday, I went to a library book sale and found many books I didn't even know that I wanted, and some that had been hoping to come across for some time. One of these books was Anais Nin's The Delta of Venus. The name itself betrays something of its content which is worthy, for some, of a serious reddening of the cheeks even to mention. I spent at least a few hours with the book last night. The other books I have read that claim to be anthologies of erotic fiction pale in comparison. Nin wrote the book for a dollar a page for a collector of manuscripts. I have read in a few places, I suppose it's a famous piece of information, that he told her to cut out the poetry, though it can still be found in its pages. I was disappointed that I missed acquiring this particular book from a box in the hallway that my downstairs neighbors were throwing out a few months ago, and am definitely happy that I came across it a second time. I would never have remembered that it was something I wanted to read otherwise.

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